What is GEL?
Why GEL to sleep on?
Why GEL to sleep on?
Gel is a gel-like solution, which is for different purposes in hygiene, cosmetics, detergents and medicine. For demanding, therapeutic support, such as decubitus - patients, gel documentation for years are preferred.
The very specific and unique comfort which provides the bulk gel as a supporting element is partly due to its unique viscosity and the other to the specialized nature of that which is most similar to human matter.
His constant restoring force guarantees a permanent optimal sleeping pad.
Properties of gel
The preparation of the gel mass is effected by mixing of gel granules and water in the interior of the vinyl mattress. The "hardness of the gel mattress" one can always verändern.Somit by adding more gel granules or through dissolving eyelets of the gel with a saline solution, gel documentation can be on the various physical characteristics such as body shape, weight and deck need to adjust exactly .
The special nature of gel and the fact that the gel bed is based on the principle of displacement, has the consequence that almost no pressure on beds is felt.
Gel is a very slow and poorly conducting material, which gives a long lasting temperature stability.